Mobile Landline Phone
A Virtual Number or Mobile Landline Phone number is ideal for clients that are mobile, don’t have an office with a receptionist. You can advertise your business with a landline, most new clients prefer dealing with a landline than a cell phone number.You can now answer all your calls from anywhere in the world . We can offer landline prefixes for all major provinces as well as a national number. All numbers are managed remotely and can be linked your cell phone directly so you dont need to buy hardware , you can just use your current cellphone device .
All numbers are managed remotely and can be linked your cell phone directly so you don’t need to buy hardware , you can just use your current cellphone device .
You can also make out going calls with the recommended apps whether free or paid for depending on the choice of your product. You will also be able to receive calls for free unlimited. Call quality dependant of data quality.
Mobile Landline Phone specs
- Landline number diverted to your cellphone directly
- Connect to a mobile app or VOIP phone
- Only one consecutive call at a time
- Answer your calls anywhere in South Africa.
- PORT your landline and get the first month free !!
- 087 Numbers now only R50 per month,
- Calls from 47c per minute
- R199 per month with 200 free minutes
- R249 per month with 300 free minutes
- Ask us how to get unlimited calls.
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