VoIP Number also known as a landline number or DID number, with local geographic code like 011 , 021 ,031 etc. at Virtual Number we actually stock all the provinces as well as all the area codes available to South Africa. Our number ranges also include 087 numbers ( cheaper alternative to 0861 numbers ) with 0861 numbers and your toll free 0800 numbers
Both the single user and multi user will allow
Using a VOIP app or VOIP phone you can call out using the VOIP number assigned to you . Registering the number on true caller , will show your company name when you call a prospective client even if they dont have your number. A VOIP number can also be moved around easier if you are mobile or even moving office. Telkom copper cable landline were not able to do so, sometimes moving office locally meant losing your number . You can now have a 011 number and be based anywhere in the country or internationally. Travelling with your landline number has never been easier.
For a single user you can purchase a VOIP number from R50 per month including airtime. A multi user start from R239 per month with 5 users and airtime with features. We also offer international VOIP numbers on our website www.virtuallandlinenumber.com .
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